Dear Guest
Please ensure you enter a valid phone number and email address to ensure your booking confirmation reaches you.
If you need any assistance please contact us on 07360 280700.
As a small business we rely on guests arriving promptly, we may hold your table for a maximum of 20 minutes in the event you do not inform us of a late arrival.
We are a small business with a relatively small kitchen, we operate a capacity system to ensure our guests who book are given priority over walk in guests, so if you really want to join us at Karoo please book as we may not be able to accommodate you on arrival without a booking.
We kindly request a small deposit of £5 per head which is taken off your bill at the end of your visit, you will be asked for card details on the next screen and only bookings where a deposit is successful is your booking confirmed.
Again risk a walk in by all means, but we may not be able to accommodate you, so booking in advance guarantees you a table to enjoy our exceptional service and hearty food.
Thank you.
You did not complete your booking in time and this has session been released to other customers.
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